Sarcoma changes lives in the blink of an eye.

At age 17, Cooper Rice-Brading’s vision was to change the current trajectory for young sarcoma patients. The aim of CRBF is to fund clinical research to find a cure for sarcoma, while raising awareness of sarcoma in the greater community in an effort to promote early diagnosis, and to provide support for sarcoma patients and their families.


Clinical research is the key

In 2022, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) once more predicted sarcomas combined (bone and soft tissue cancers) would be the leading cause of cancer related death in the 10 to 24-year age group in Australia.

Funding for sarcoma specific clinical research holds the key to critical change.

You can join the efforts to find a cure for sarcoma and help to improve the lives of sarcoma cancer patients and their families.

Supporting those living with sarcoma

Whilst research holds the key to a cure, our aim is to support those people living with sarcoma and their families from diagnosis, through treatment, and beyond.


Meet the IL-23 Sarcoma Sub-Study Team

CRBF is very proud to be a major funding partner of the IL23 sarcoma sub study, together with the Matthew Fisher Sarcoma Research Fund, The Daniel Allchin Race for a cure, The Kids Cancer Project, the NSW and Federal Governments, and Sun Pharma.
We are humbled by the support and generosity of those who have contributed to making this trial a reality. LEARN MORE


Prof David Thomas, Dr Vera Terry, Dr Lucille Sebastian, Dr Maya Kansara, Dr Mandy Ballinger, Ms Sarah Chinchen, Ms Kristen McParland, Dr Subo Thavaneswaran, Dr John Grady, Keith Thornton, Dr Frank Lin

The Sarcoma Phosphoproteomic Study – CCIA

July 1, 2021 saw the announcement of a joint funding initiative between the Cooper Rice-Brading Foundation and the Kids Cancer Project of $373,000, to fund a sarcoma specific phosphoproteomic study under sarcoma specialist researcher, Dr Emmy Fleuren. This study was facilitated by the Wipfli family sarcoma research grant, and the outstanding work undertaken by Michael ‘Wippa’ Wipfli in winning $186,000 in the first Celebrity Apprentice Australia Challenge. Wippa is an Ambassador for CRBF and has worked tirelessly to raise awareness for sarcoma nationally.

What is phosphoproteomics? Firstly, it helps to know that proteomics is the study of all the proteins in a cell. Phosphoproteomics is one area of proteomics, which focuses on a particular group of proteins called phosphorylated proteins. These are proteins that have been through a process (involving the transfer of phosphate molecules) which serves to ‘activate’ them, preparing them to perform special tasks in the cell which affect the cell’s growth. Cancer cells use phosphorylation to activate certain proteins, so the cells can grow faster.

Emmy and her team are using phosphoproteomics to identify new therapeutic targets (phosphorylated proteins) in sarcoma cells. We know from experience that, once we have accurately identified a target, we have a good chance of finding a drug capable of blocking its action. And because these drugs (called ‘small molecule inhibitors’) are directed against specific targets in cancer cells, not healthy cells, they are not only more effective but also safer to use. And that’s exactly what’s needed for kids with sarcoma.

CRBF is delighted to have co-funded this high level clinical sarcoma specific research with The Kids Cancer Project. LEARN MORE

Fergus McCulla Psychological Support & Well-being Programme

Fergus Mculla was a very special young man to many, staging a courageous battle with rhabdomyosarcoma, which tragically ended in August of 2021.

The team at CRBF formed a very special bond with Fergus and his remarkable family over past years, and as a result, many of us witnessed first-hand, the resilience and positivity Fergus showed throughout his treatment . No matter what life threw at him, his beautiful smile was never far away.

CRBF is delighted to announce the Fergus McCulla Psychological Support & Wellness Programme was officially launched in 2021, and is free of charge for all patients and families. LEARN MORE


The SARC032, is an international study that ANZSA has contributed 25% of the patient recruitment. This study combines radiotherapy with immunotherapy drugs to increase efficacy for sarcoma patients. This is an international study run by SARC in the USA. SARC provides funding for this study except for the much higher costs of our Australian clinical samples processing, storage and shipping. CRBF is delighted to have partnered with ANZSA to cover the storage and shipping costs of the Australian clinical samples.

The Jack Gibson Sarcoma Patient and Family Support Program

The JGSPFSP, provides a number of very important services for sarcoma patients together with their families.

Less than six months after the Foundation was launched, it became evident by the numbers of those reaching out for support and practical assistance, our strategy moving into the future, would need to incorporate this capability.

Our volunteers provide an array of practical, professional and peer support to those who are simply in need of someone to talk, advocacy, assistance navigating government departments, practical assistance, networking with other patients, financial guidance and everything in between.

JGSPFSP has announced a new psychological support programme which is free of charge for all sarcoma patients and their family members.

If you or someone you know could benefit from support whilst going through a sarcoma diagnosis, please press the button below, to get in contact with our Patient and Family Support team. LEARN MORE

The Tie Dye Project

Amy Parmenter and Molly Croft are the young women behind The Tie Dye Project, a not for profit raising much needed funds and awareness for sarcoma.
CRBF was delighted to support their funding of the CAR T Advanced Cellular Therapeutics Team, Children’s Cancer Research Unit, The Children’s Hospital Westmead.

The Inter Ewing -1

The Inter Ewing -1 is an international clinical trial that examines several new treatment strategies for Ewing sarcoma patients, including access to a novel agent (a tyrosine kinase inhibitor), optimising radiotherapy doses and adding “maintenance” chemotherapy at the end of other planned treatments for patients of all ages. We are delighted to be co-funding this important clinical trial with The Kids Cancer Project. LEARN MORE

2024 – Paediatric Preclinical Sarcoma Biobank – Children’s Cancer Institute of Australia (CCIA)

The initiative, known as the ‘Paediatric Preclinical Biobank’, has been made possible through funding of $312,000 by the Cooper Rice-Brading Foundation, which received a generous donation from the Sutcliffe Family Trust in memory of both a young family member taken by sarcoma, and of Cooper Rice-Brading, who also passed away from osteosarcoma in 2017.

The Cooper Rice-Brading Foundation has previously supported the Children’s Cancer Institute sarcoma research via the Wipfli Family Sarcoma Research Grant, kicking-off critical research into identifying new therapeutic treatment targets for young sarcoma patients across the course of their disease, with a technique called “phosphoproteomics”, led by Dr. Emmy Fleuren. This new funding for the Biobanking initiative extends Dr. Fleuren’s crucial research through collaboration with the Institute’s Bioresources and Data Enabling Platform is extremely welcome news.” (CCIA – 15 February 2024)

2024 – Sarcoma Accelerator Programme – Hudson Institute of Medical Research

We are honoured to announce the commencement of the Sarcoma Accelerator Program through the Hudson Institute of Medical Research, the third of our four funding priorities for 2024, bringing our investment in research and patient support to $2m.

The Sarcoma Accelerator program will streamline the discovery of precision therapies for childhood sarcomas through a unique crowdsourcing approach. By working with a network of national & international collaborators in Australia, North America, Europe & Asia-Pacific, we will create new model resources & data sets for sarcoma patients that will enhance treatment options & patient outcomes globally. Importantly, the data will be shared with researchers, clinicians & patient families through a public portal developed at the Hudson Institute.

“Sarcoma does not have the research to support a definitive cure” – Cooper Rice-Brading.

Cooper Rice-Brading was a sport-loving, happy teenager whose life was tragically cut short after being diagnosed with osteosarcoma. While in hospital undergoing treatment, Cooper discovered the disparity that existed between his cancer and other childhood cancers and made it his mission to change lives. The Cooper Rice-Brading Foundation was then established to help fund research to find a cure for sarcoma, while also helping to improve the overall patient journey and support families in need.



September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, and we’re shining the spotlight on young people living with cancer, and in particular sarcoma.
Lives are changed irreversibly in the blink of an eye, as sarcoma hits our young disproportionately hard.
We thank the well known Australians who joined CRBF to focus on our young, and the loss of potential, hopes and dreams that often accompany a sarcoma diagnosis.

The Jack Gibson Sarcoma Patient & Family Support Programme


It is with great pride we have launched the Jack Gibson Sarcoma Patient & Family Support Programme, in memory of a young man who touched the lives of so many.


Jack Gibson tragically passed away on November 1, 2022, just over a week prior to his 26th birthday. He had valiantly fought osteosarcoma for five years, and a significant portion of that time was also devoted to improving patient care pathways and support mechanisms for those living with sarcoma, as the CRBF Patient Advocate.



CRBF is delighted to announce the Fergus McCulla Psychological Support & Well-being Programme.
This programme will be free of charge to all those diagnosed with sarcoma and their families.
We are humbled by the support and generosity of those who have contributed to making this programme a reality.

The work of CRBF is proudly supported by the Weinert Group of Companies and the generosity of the Weinert family