Unmet needs for patient support in rare cancers

Christine Cockburn, Patient Care Co-ordinator with Rare Cancers Australia shares her vast experience on addressing the unmet needs of those who live with a rare cancer. She will be joined by ANZSA Consumer Advisory Panel member Karen Laurati, who knows this road well, having been diagnosed with sarcoma, undergone treatment, and now enters survivorship, and a very new phase of her life.

Christine leverage her vast experience with a broad cross section of rare cancers, to provide compelling insight into an area that has the propensity to be overlooked, from treatment and throughout diagnosis. This will be balanced by Karen’s invaluable patient perspective, having lived the nightmare of a sarcoma diagnosis.

If you are a patient diagnosed with a rare cancer, in particular sarcoma, or a carer/family member, this webinar will be an extremely useful tool in finding additional resources which may potentially assist you.

Use the QR code below to register or press on the link below to go directly to the ANZSA website. https://www.facebook.com/ANZSarcoma/