We were delighted to be invited to the opening of the new MDT facility at RPA for the Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcoma Unit.
Equipped with the latest technology to enhance patient care, the facility is dedicated to the memory of Dr Annabelle Mahar, a much loved, highly respected and world-renowned member of RPA’s Tissue Pathology Department.
Sarcoma is an insidious cancer, treatments are complex and it is the leading cause of cancer related deaths in the 15 to 24 year age group in Australia.(AIHW)
Equipping our brilliant sarcoma trained specialists with the space and technology to collaborate in weekly MDT meetings is a critical component of optimal patient care for those diagnosed with sarcoma.
Today marked an important step forward, and with it, tangible hope.
Dr Teresa Anderson delivered the opening words, acknowledging the work of Dr Annabelle Mahar, whose name the centre proudly bears, together with an outline of why this facility is needed.
Dr Stephen McNamara, devoted partner of Dr Annabelle Mahar’s heartfelt speech today resonated with all in the room. A plaque commemorating Annabelle’s immense contribution to pathology at RPA sits at the entrance to this facility.
After an illustrious career that saw him a pioneer in sarcoma surgery in Australia, Professor Paul Stalley has now passed the baton to incoming Chair of the NSW Bone and Soft Tissue Unit , Dr RIchard Boyle, who officially opened the facility with well chosen words expressing the significance of this facility.
We speak for all those touched by sarcoma in thanking Dr Teresa Anderson Chief Executive of the Sydney Local Health District, and NSW Health for this investment in the future of sarcoma in NSW.